Shanta Paloma

Singer-songwriter, Shanta brings a unique show, sometimes filled with costumes, toys and sometimes a live painter! Voted 2nd Best Singer-Songwriter in the Valley in 2008. Sets include rockin’ original music, and styled acoustic covers. Led with a soulful voice, her performance is emotive, different and fun.

Shanta P. Cortez-Greig. Born on Santa Monica Beach, CA. Raised in France, India and Turkey. Inner and Outer Traveler. Free Spirit. Philosopher. Loves music.

“Droplets of rain my sound is, sprinkling from a clear sky. Puddles of thunderous tears when you’re screaming dry-eyed. I’m splatters of paint on the wall, on the canvas, on the floor. I’m a shadow lingering in the frame of a door. I’m emotion leaking through cracks in the ceiling. I’m black lines capturing grey feelings. As if I were awakening naked in a field. I’m a solitary rose with her petals peeled. Like a drizzle on a jazzy afternoon, my sound is a simple wish with a haunting tune.” ~SP


Jul 14 - 15, 2015


9:30 pm - 1:00 am


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